Saturday, June 30, 2007

Three ideas

Here are three topic ideas I'm considering:

1)Antioxidants, sugar, and the brain

The brain relies on glucose to function. What effects does refined sugar have? What effects do antioxidants have? Do antioxidants help the brain to function better?
For years I’ve been interested in issues related to brain. Many conditions attributed to brain function irregularities seem to improve with changes in diet.

2) How can people prepare for the upcoming flu pandemic? Psychological and physical preparation for the best possible outcome.
Warnings about the upcoming flu pandemic suggest stocking up on supplies for 1-3 weeks. One friend works at the EPA. EPA advised employees to stay home for 3 months when the pandemic strikes. What additional measures can individuals take?
Lifestyle choices influence immune function. What factors contribute to stronger immune function, what factors weaken immune function? I want to improve my own immune function. In March I had surgery for a broken ankle, and it took a lot out of me.

3)What are all these things? EMFs WIFi, WiMax, Broadband, Cable.
Access to technology is changing as technology itself changes, and as people come up with "a better idea". We are all affected by technology, and our ability to have access .to it
Does technology reflexively affect us?
I’m a technology ignorant, just want it to work. As I look into these three and four letter acronyms, I’m finding there’s a lot more to internet access than simply plugging in to make a connection.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Blog set up

Week 1
This class has taught me so much already. The Netiquette topic is certainly not widely practiced. Otherwise we’d all be more civil. In recent weeks I had begun thinking the overall culture had taken on a more feral demeanor.
Creating a blog wasn't a hard hoop to jump through, but gaining access to the jumping arena was VERY difficult. My first attempts on my Apple G4 caused the program to crash. I assumed it is a Mac OS interface problem. It took all morning and two bus rides as I sought out other computers, finally finding successful access at SCCC.

I plan on taking the Mac in for questioning to see if indeed I may gain future blog access from that computer.

The assignments themselves are very enjoyable and immediately applicable in life.

I’m very tired today because I worked all evening to catch up with the assignments. Someone at the college gave me incorrect information about start dates. Monday and Tuesday had already been allocated to appointments, so I entered into the class on the last day of the week! I’m disappointed and stressed about for my late entry into class. I’ve been looking forward to this class since reading the description. The format of class discussion via blog and thread entries is new to me. It’s especially interesting to meet and interact with each of you in this way.